Why Rehoboth Realtors

Why Rehoboth Realtors

 We have combined experience of more than 30 years in provision of real estate services, because the Principal Registered Agent, Grace Mukahanana and some team members are not necessarily new to the Real Estate Industry. . The Principal Registered Agent is a seasoned Property Manager, having worked in property management under Old Mutual for 14 years. At Old Mutual where Grace spent a significant part of her career, she rose through the ranks in the property business up to the position of General Manager. This gave her extensive experience in:

Property Management both residential and commercial.

Property Developments / Project Management, both for new developments as well as refurbishments.

Valuations for both residential and commercial buildings.

Asset management which helps in providing clients with advice on investment options that align with one’s objectives.

Governance and Compliance - Having been a Regulator of Estate Agents at EAC, the founder is quite alive to governance, compliance and regulatory issues.

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